"Soul Growth"
In life there are times when we rationalize and convince ourselves we’re in the right place or space when most likely, we aren’t. This often involves fighting feelings and ignoring many messages from the Universe that remind us we’ve outgrown the present scenario. To disregard this valuable information due to years of complacency can have major repercussions when it’s all said and done. There’s a distinctive difference between having a sense of “Complacency” vs. a sense of “SOUL Security.” So many times we choose to remain in certain scenarios due to temporary needs, feelings of obligation or due to worldly pressures. Remaining in uncomfortable, unproductive scenarios can become more stifling than beneficial at the end of the day and these are instances in which resilience lead to a dead end. When you’re not following UNIVERSAL GUIDANCE, you may find yourself exhausted from running in place. In all honesty, it doesn’t matter how much you FEEL you are benefiting from the present space or place. If it’s not one that “forces” you to grow spiritually… it only has moderate PURPOSE at the end of the day and mediocrity is not true success. Positioning yourself to allow a positive exchange from a distance may be the best thing. It could undoubtedly be the difference between quantity versus quality. Also bear in mind that every scenario designed to take our spirits to unprecedented levels is not always so obvious. This type of discovery may only be obtained as a result of stepping outside of the box. Taking a moment to acknowledge information the universe has made available to us can become pivotal. It’s the difference between having the television on mute vs. surround sound. The moment we put God’s voice on surround sound, we open our souls to HIS PLAN and understand that true GREATNESS is on the horizon.